Infoware Creditors’ focus is to lower administration effort in processing and approving invoices and flexible generating payment previews and runs.
Includes more advanced functionality:
- Advanced purchasing component incorporating orders, goods receival and invoicing with web enabled approvals.
- Process your multi-company expenses directly from within just one creditors ledger; no more manual intercompany journals and reconciliation issues.
- Easily review creditor transactions with document images with Infoware’s i4 DocLink + OCR.
- Interactive payment generation and approval process automatically selecting invoices due for payment. Have multiple payment runs in progress for any combination of invoices to pay at the same time.
- Automatically create EFT bank ABA files ready for upload, with quick delivery of remittances by email, efax or print with Infoware Report Splitter.
- Handles overseas creditor invoices. Includes Forex Unrealised or Realised if you wish to revalue overseas creditors to specified rate.
- Reduce your exposure by preventing processing of subcontractors with expired Workers Compensation and Public Liability Insurances.
- Fully integrated with all relevant Infoware components such as Inventory, Payroll (for superannuation, PAYG and other deductions), Transport, General Ledger, Job Cost and Cash Book.