Most cost effective powerful report writer – exclusive to Infoware databases.
Enquire on any data within Infoware.* i4 Query in conjunction with our unique i4 Excel Plugin allow you to retrieve and analyse data via the web – either for one off business decisions or more repetitive business KPI monitoring.
Infoware Services i4 Excel plugins can even share real time information with your business’ partners – your customers and suppliers – with secure access showing only data relevant to them.
- Great data query interface to Infoware family of products
- Simple interface to query data across multiple database tables – no SQL or other more complex commands to learn
- Sort results to multiple levels
- Move or hide columns of result page to suit
- Option to total numeric columns
- Option to generate summary totals only
- Includes Infoware’s unique i4 plugin where Microsoft® Excel can refresh with live data and using Excel’s tools such as pivot tables/charts/write your own formulas to analyse data. This is an exceptional and powerful data analysis tool – and if you have excel installed it costs nothing. Even though you are using excel the i4 plugin data refreshes across the web.
- Apply specific user restrictions to data tables, fields and values
- Also access all documents linked to a transaction – both Infoware generated and external documents
“It is critical for us to analyse data, both from an operational and profitability angle to determine and direct our ongoing innovation and development strategies… …The i4 query function and its i4 online plugin… …are essential tools that allows us to achieve this.
All our KPI reporting essentially uses these tools. We even have some of our suppliers… …using this tool online. I do not know how we would operate without it…
I have never seen or used such a flexible report writing tool previously and strongly recommend it as a valuable tool in today’s dynamic and competitive environment.”